Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Research Paper 9

Research Paper 9

Q Question 1 This week you will describe: • Decision Our lives are punctuated by events in which we must make an important choice or decision. You have probably made at least one or two important decisions in your life. Indeed, every day we are faced with many minor decisions -- we have to decide what to wear in the morning, what to have for lunch, etc. Important decisions, on the other hand, may affect the course of our lives, as in deciding whether or not to marry a particular person, what occupation to pursue, what to believe in, etc. Please consider the most important decisions or choices you have made in your life. Describe in detail a particular event in your life in which you made an important decision. Please tell us what the decision was and why it was an important one. As usual, tell us what happened in the event, when the event occurred, who was involved, what you were thinking and feeling, and what the event says about you and your personality. Include all of the following in your written description of the event: • When did the event occur? (How old were you?) • What exactly happened in the event? • Who was involved in the event? • What were you thinking, feeling, and wanting in the event? • Why do you think that this is an important event in your life story? • What does this event say about who you are, who you were, who you might be, and how you have developed over time?

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Your Answer: The memory that sticks out the most was when I turned 18 and found out I was pregnant. I had just started Merced College and quit because I thought I would find a job instead; boy, was I wrong. I should have stayed in school and finished as much as possible. Choosing a job over education at that time was necessary.